From campers
“Because of Burn camp I was able to build the confidence to not be afraid of what people thought of the way I look. I didn’t care that people stared at me because I know there are other people out there who know what it is like too.” —Brandon, Age 13
“Because of Burn Camp I met new friends, grew as a person, learned more about myself, challenged myself, became more open. I learned it’s okay to be afraid and learned to never give up. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I get opportunities I never would have and most of all because of burn camp, I have made a new family.” —Destynie, Age 17
From parents

“Thanks for putting on such an awesome program for all of the kids! I think it was nice for all of them to have something close to normal with everything going on this year!”
—Jeff (Colby)
“Thank you for giving my daughter a space to truly be herself. The way her face lit up when that box arrived is something I will cherish forever. You guys are the absolute best!”
—Evelyn (Abby)
From staff
“I don’t think that anyone would describe 2020 as ideal. We constantly talk to kids about resilience and grit. Well 2020 is the year we all get to ‘accept this challenge.’ It could have been easy to say, ‘nope, camp won’t be worth it because we won’t be in person, we won’t have the horseback riding, the challenge course, or out camps.’ But instead Trudy said yes! She said yes to showing these kids that we can do hard things, and that sometimes in life it might not be what we expect or want, but it can still turn out to be what we need. It was a beautiful reminder that camp is not about a physical place, but about the people who build and connect a community.”